5 Easy Steps to Score Band 8 in IELTS Writing

If you are aiming to score a Band 8 in IELTS Writing, there are 5 Easy Steps to Score Band 8 in IELTS Writing. First, make sure your answer is directly related to the question and use ideas and examples that are familiar to you. Second, answer all parts of the question and write more than 250 words. Third, organize your essay logically with clear progression and linking phrases. Fourth, use paragraphs to organize your essay and remember to use the PEEL acronym when writing. Finally, use less common vocabulary and spell it correctly. By following these five steps, you can improve your IELTS Writing score and increase your chances of success.

5 Easy Steps to Score Band 8 in IELTS Writing

Step 1: Ensure your answer is relevant to the question

Make sure you are answering the exact question asked and avoid giving irrelevant information. Stick to examples and ideas that are relevant to the topic, and don’t generalize too much. Ensure your ideas are presented clearly to the examiner by being specific and avoiding memorized essays.


  • Ensure your ideas are related to the question.
  • Use familiar examples and ideas related to the topic.
  • Support your answer with multiple ideas.


  • Include irrelevant information.
  • Overgeneralize.
  • Use memorized essays.
  • Provide recent research or statistics that are not relevant.

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Step 2: Answer all parts of the question

Read the question carefully and answer all parts of it, providing your opinion and supporting it throughout the essay. If asked to present both views, ensure that each view is presented equally, and use at least two advantages if asked to provide them. Be mindful of plurals and comment on more than one element if necessary. Finally, write an essay that is at least 250 words.


  • Answer all parts of the question.
  • Use the first person to indicate your opinion.
  • Ensure your essay is at least 250 words.
  • Use equal paragraph length for presenting both views if asked to present them.


  • Ignore parts of the question.
  • Provide a short essay.
  • Tell the examiner what you will say and have said.

Step 3: Organize your essay logically, with clear progression using linking phrases

Arrange your ideas logically by starting with an introduction and ending with a conclusion. If presenting both views and your opinion, state your opinion first, present both views, and then conclude the essay. Use a variety of linking words and phrases, adverbial phrases, referencing, and substitution to avoid repetition. Use punctuation correctly to ensure coherence, correct sequence of ideas, and logical flow.


  • Use a range of linking words and phrases.
  • Use referencing and substitution to avoid repetition.
  • Use punctuation appropriately.
  • Sequence your ideas logically.
  • Use a separate paragraph for the introduction and conclusion.


  • Overuse basic linking words.
  • Use numbers, symbols, or abbreviations.
  • Use headings, subheadings, or underlining.
  • Start every sentence with a linking device.

Step 4: Organize your essays into paragraphs

Use paragraphs to separate your essay into clear parts with a minimum of two sentences per paragraph. Use the PEEL acronym, which stands for Point, Example, Explain, and Link, to structure your paragraphs.


  • Use paragraphs.
  • Use linkers within and between your paragraphs.
  • Leave a space between each paragraph.
  • Use an introduction and a conclusion.


  • Use single-sentence paragraphs.
  • Use very long paragraphs that cover a whole page.

Step 5: Use less common vocabulary and spell it correctly

Choose precise word choices and language that is commonly used in everyday speech. Use words related to the topic, collocations, and phrasal verbs. Avoid spelling mistakes and typos, and use either American or British spelling consistently. Don’t use imprecise words like “stuff” or slang. Avoid old-fashioned language, synonyms, idioms, clichés, and contractions.


  • Use precise word choices.
  • Use language that is commonly used in everyday speech.
  • Use words and phrases related to the topic.
  • Use collocations and phrasal verbs.


  • Make spelling mistakes or typos.
  • Mix American and British spelling.
  • Use words that you don’t understand or can’t spell.
  • Use imprecise words or slang.
  • Use old-fashioned language, synonyms, idioms, clichés, or contractions.

Content Source :- IDP

5 Easy Steps to Score Band 8 in IELTS Writing

In conclusion, scoring a Band 8 in IELTS Writing may seem daunting, but by following these “5 Easy Steps to Score Band 8 in IELTS Writing”, you can significantly increase your chances of achieving this goal. It’s essential to answer the question directly, cover all parts of the question, organize your essay logically, use paragraphs effectively, and use less common vocabulary correctly. Keep in mind that consistent practice, feedback, and improvement are crucial in mastering your writing skills. By implementing these steps and dedicating yourself to regular practice, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your desired score in the IELTS Writing test.

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