Hindu Boys Name
Hindu Girls Names
Discover popular Hindu baby girl names along with their meanings. If you are searching for a cute name for your little princess, we have a variety of Indian Hindu girl names to offer, tailored to your preferences. We have compiled several baby names collections to help you find the perfect name.
Alphabetical list of baby girl names Click on the above alphabets to explore Hindu baby girl names specific to each alphabet.
Baby girl names by Birth Rashi (Moon Sign) If you wish to choose a name based on the Rashi (Moon Sign) of your baby, visit our Baby Names by Birth Rashi section for a comprehensive list of names associated with all 12 Rashis, along with details.
Baby girl names by Nakshatra (Birth Star) With 27 Nakshatras, each having its own set of letters, you have the option to name your baby based on the Nakshatra or Birth Star. Discover our Baby Names by Birth Rashi for a complete list of names associated with all 27 Nakshatras, specifically for Hindu girls.
Baby girl names based on numerology If you are seeking a lucky baby girl name based on numerology, we offer an extensive collection of Hindu numerology names. Explore Hindu girl names as per numerology for a comprehensive list of names associated with different numerological numbers.
Top Hindu girl names list To simplify your name selection process, we have specially curated a list of top girl names. Take a look at our Top 100 Hindu girl names list for cute, sweet, and unique name options.
We are confident that you will find the perfect name for your little princess.