School should focus on academic success and passing examinations. Skill such as cookery, dressmaking and woodwork should not be taught at school as it is better to learn these from family and friends. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer

The idea that schools should prioritize academic success and passing examinations over teaching skills such as cookery, dressmaking, and woodwork is a controversial one. While there are some arguments in favor of this perspective, I personally disagree with it.

On one hand, it can be argued that schools should focus on academic success and passing examinations in order to prepare students for higher education and future careers. This is especially true in today’s competitive job market, where a good education is often a prerequisite for success. Additionally, academic subjects such as math, science, and literature are considered essential for a well-rounded education.

However, I believe that skills such as cookery, dressmaking, and woodwork should also be taught in schools. These subjects can provide students with practical skills that will be useful in their daily lives, such as budgeting, meal planning, and home repairs. Additionally, these subjects can foster creativity and self-expression, and help students develop a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.

Furthermore, while it is true that these skills can be learned from family and friends, not all students may have access to these resources. School is often the only place where some students can learn these skills, and it is important that they have the opportunity to do so.

In conclusion, while I understand the argument that schools should prioritize academic success and passing examinations, I believe that it is important for schools to also teach practical skills such as cookery, dressmaking, and woodwork. These subjects can provide students with valuable skills for their daily lives and help them develop a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.

Band descriptors:- ( In this essay)

Task response: The essay addresses the topic of whether schools should prioritize academic success and passing examinations over teaching skills such as cookery, dressmaking, and woodwork. The writer presents both sides of the argument and ultimately disagrees with the idea that schools should focus on academic success and passing examinations.

Coherence and cohesion: The essay is well-organized and presents a clear stance on the topic. Transitions between paragraphs and ideas are smooth and logical. The writer uses cohesive devices such as referencing and parallel structures.

Lexical resource: The essay uses a variety of vocabulary that is appropriate for the topic, including words such as “prioritize,” “practical skills,” “self-expression,” and “budgeting.”

Grammatical range and vocabulary: The essay demonstrates a good range of grammar structures and vocabulary. Complex sentences are used effectively and there are few errors. The writer uses a variety of vocabulary that is appropriate for the topic, including words such as “academic success,” “passing examinations,” “creativity,” “self-confidence,” and “home repairs.”

Complex sentences:

  • “While there are some arguments in favor of this perspective, I personally disagree with it.”
  • “This is especially true in today’s competitive job market, where a good education is often a prerequisite for success.”
  • “However, I believe that skills such as cookery, dressmaking, and woodwork should also be taught in schools.”
  • “These subjects can provide students with practical skills that will be useful in their daily lives, such as budgeting, meal planning, and home repairs.”
  • “Additionally, these subjects can foster creativity and self-expression, and help students develop a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.”
  • “In conclusion, while I understand the argument that schools should prioritize academic success and passing examinations, I believe that it is important for schools to also teach practical skills such as cookery, dressmaking, and woodwork.”

Conditional sentences:

  • “If schools focus only on academic success and passing examinations, students may not have the opportunity to learn these skills.”
  • ” If schools also teach practical skills such as cookery, dressmaking, and woodwork, students will have valuable skills for their daily lives and help them develop a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.”

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