Describe a time when you Studied at friend’s home – Top 10 IELTS speaking cue cards 2023

Describe a time when you studied at a friend’s home.

You should say :-

  • When did you study?
  • why did you study?
  • How was the experience?
  • How did you feel about it?

Once, while I was in school, I went to study at a friend’s house. We had a big project due in a couple of days and we wanted to work on it together. My friend’s house was the perfect place to study because it was quiet and had a lot of space.

We set up our laptops on the dining room table and got to work. We took turns researching and writing, and we also made sure to take breaks to stretch our legs and grab snacks. We were making good progress and were on track to finish the project on time.

However, halfway through the afternoon, the power went out. We were in the middle of a big storm and the wind had knocked down a power line. We were a little bit worried about how we were going to finish the project without electricity, but we decided to make the best of it.

We lit some candles and continued working by the dim light. We were able to use our laptops for a little while longer thanks to the battery power. We were laughing and joking about the situation. It was a fun, unexpected experience that made the project feel a bit more interesting.

Finally, after about an hour, the power came back on, and we were able to finish the project. We were both relieved and proud of what we had accomplished. We had managed to overcome a difficult obstacle and still get our work done. It was a great reminder that with a bit of creativity and determination, anything is possible

Sample with idioms

Describe a time when you studied at a friend’s home.

Once, while I was in school, I went to study at a friend’s house. We had a big project due in a couple of days and we wanted to “work as a team” and “kill two birds with one stone” by studying together. My friend’s house was the “perfect place” to study because it was quiet and had a lot of space.

We set up our laptops on the dining room table and got to work. We took turns “bouncing ideas” off each other and “divvying up” the tasks. We also made sure to “take a break” to “stretch our legs” and grab snacks. We were making “good headway” and were “on track” to finish the project on time.

However, halfway through the afternoon, the power went out. We were in the middle of a big storm and the wind had “knocked out the lights.” We were a little bit worried about how we were going to “get our ducks in a row” without electricity, but we decided to “make the best of a bad situation.”

We lit some candles and continued working by the “dim light.” We were able to use our laptops for a little while longer thanks to the battery power. We were “laughing in the face of adversity” and joking about the situation. It was a fun, unexpected experience that made the project feel a bit more interesting.

Finally, after about an hour, the power came back on, and we were able to “tie up loose ends” and finish the project. We were both relieved and proud of what we had accomplished. We had managed to “overcome a hurdle” and still “get the job done.” It was a great reminder that with a bit of creativity and determination, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Idioms with meaning 

Describe a time when you studied at a friend’s home.

  • Work as a team: Collaborate together to achieve a common goal
  • Kill two birds with one stone: Accomplish two tasks with a single effort
  • Perfect place: An ideal location or setting
  • Bounce ideas: Share and discuss ideas with each other
  • Divvy up: Divide and assign tasks among people
  • Take a break: Stop working for a short period of time to rest
  • Stretch your legs: Stand up and move around to improve circulation
  • Make good headway: Make progress
  • On track: making progress as planned
  • Knocked out the lights: lose power
  • Get your ducks in a row: Prepare and organize
  • Make the best of a bad situation: Try to find the positive in a negative situation
  • Laugh in the face of adversity: Remain optimistic and confident despite difficulties
  • Tie up loose ends: Finish remaining tasks
  • Overcome a hurdle: overcome an obstacle
  • Where there’s a will, there’s a way: If someone is determined, they will find a way.

Follow Ups:- 

Describe a time when you studied at a friend’s home.

Q1. What was the purpose of studying at your friend’s house?

The purpose of studying at my friend’s house was to work on a big project that was due in a couple of days. We wanted to collaborate and make progress on the project together in a quiet and spacious environment.

  1. What challenges did you face while studying at your friend’s house?

One of the challenges we faced while studying at my friend’s house was that the power went out during a storm. This made it difficult to continue working on our laptops, but we managed to overcome this obstacle by using candles and battery power.

  1. How did you and your friend divide the tasks for the project?

We divided the tasks for the project by “divvying up” the responsibilities and taking turns “bouncing ideas” off each other.

  1. What did you learn from this experience of studying at your friend’s house?

I learned that with a bit of creativity and determination, we were able to “overcome a hurdle” and still “get the job done.” It was also a reminder that “where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

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