Describe an area of your city which you don’t like – Top 10 recently asked IELTS speaking cue cards

You should say:-

  • Can you describe an area of your city that you are not fond of?
  • What is it about this area that you don’t like?
  • What do you think could be done to improve this area?
  • How does this area compare to other areas of your city?
  • How does this area affect your overall perception of your city?

Possible Response:

One area of my city that I don’t like is the downtown district. The main reason why I don’t like this area is because it’s always crowded and noisy. The streets are filled with people, cars, and vendors, and it can be quite overwhelming at times.

Another reason why I don’t like this area is because it’s not very clean. There’s a lot of litter on the sidewalks and the air quality is not great due to the heavy traffic.

To improve this area, I think the city should invest more in infrastructure and public transportation. This would make it easier for people to get around and would reduce the amount of traffic on the streets. Additionally, the city should also invest more in cleaning and maintenance services to keep the area clean and tidy.

When compared to other areas of my city, the downtown district is much more developed and has more amenities. However, it’s also much more hectic and chaotic.

Overall, my perception of my city is affected by the condition of this area. The downtown district is an important part of my city, but the overcrowded and dirty streets make it less enjoyable to visit.

Follow ups:-

  • How often do you visit the downtown area of your city?
    • I don’t go downtown very often, only when I absolutely have to, it’s not my cup of tea.
  • Are there any specific places or landmarks in the downtown area that you dislike?
    • I’m not a big fan of the main square, it’s always a madhouse and it’s hard to enjoy the sights and sounds.
  • Have you ever made a complaint or suggestion to the city government about the issues in the downtown area?
    • No, I haven’t, I just try to avoid it like the plague and hope that the city government will take notice and do something about it.
  • Are there any similar areas in other cities that you have visited that you think are better managed?
    • I have visited some cities that have a similar downtown area, but they seem to have their act together and it’s not as chaotic as in my city.
  • Do you think that the issues in the downtown area could be resolved if there was more government involvement or more private investment?
    • I think it’s a double-edged sword, more government involvement could help but it could also make things worse, on the other hand, private investment could bring in more jobs and opportunities but it could also change the character of the area.
  • How do you think the downtown area of your city would change if the issues you mentioned were addressed?
    • If the city government takes action, I think it would be a breath of fresh air, it could be a more pleasant place to be and it would be more attractive to visitors and residents.
  • Would you recommend the downtown area of your city to a tourist? Why or Why not?
    • I wouldn’t recommend it, It’s not the bee’s knees, it’s not the most pleasant place to be and there are better areas of the city to visit.
  • Are there any other areas of your city that you think are similar to the downtown area in terms of its problems?
    • Not that I know of, the downtown area is in a league of its own when it comes to problems.
  • Are there any specific actions that the city government could take that you think would make the downtown area more livable?
    • The city government could invest more in infrastructure and public transportation, it could also focus on cleaning and maintenance services to keep the area clean and tidy.
  • In your opinion, how can the downtown area of your city be made more attractive to visitors and residents?
    • The city government could invest in beautification projects, and make it more pedestrian-friendly by creating more walkways and parks. They could also attract more businesses, to create more job opportunities and bring more life to the area.

Top 10 Recently asked IELTS speaking cue cards 2023

If you want to Practice your speaking. Here is a list of Top 10 Recently asked IELTS Speaking Cue cards.

  1. Talk about a time when you received flowers as a gift.
  2. Describe a time when you experienced bad weather.
  3. Describe a person who inspired you a lot.
  4. Describe a time when you provided support to an animal.
  5. Describe a park that has changed a lot in recent years.
  6. Describe a time when you studied at a friend’s home.
  7. Describe a time when you helped a child.
  8. Describe a mobile phone application you use to learn a new skill.
  9. Describe a rule you like to follow.
  10. Describe an area of your city which you don’t like.

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