Describe a time when you helped a child – Top 10 recently asked IELTS Speaking Cue Cards – 2023

Describe a time when you helped a child.

You should say:-

When you helped a child?

How do you help him/her?

Why did you help him/her?

And how did you feel about it?

Note: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.


Once, I had an opportunity to “lend a helping hand” to a child who was struggling in school. The child was having a hard time understanding certain concepts and was falling behind in class. I decided to “step up to the plate” and offer my assistance.

At first, the child was a bit “stand-offish” and “clammed up” when I tried to help, but I didn’t let that “get me down.” I knew that it would take some time for the child to “warm up” to me. I “took the bull by the horns” and found creative ways to explain the material in a way that the child could understand.

We “hit the books” together and I helped the child “work through” the difficult concepts. We also took “brain breaks” to “clear our heads” and “stretch our legs.” I could see the child’s confidence “growing by leaps and bounds” as we progressed.

The child’s grades began to “turn a corner” and improved significantly. I was “over the moon” to see the child’s hard work pay off. I felt like I had “made a difference” in the child’s life.

As we were wrapping up, the child thanked me and said “I couldn’t have done it without you.” It was a “proud moment” for me and I felt like I had “given back” to the community by helping this child.

Idioms used:

  • Lend a helping hand: to assist someone
  • Step up to the plate: to take responsibility
  • Stand-offish: reserved or aloof
  • Clammed up: become tight-lipped or silent
  • Get me down: to discourage or disappoint me
  • Take the bull by the horns: to take decisive action
  • Hit the books: to study hard
  • Work through: to solve or understand something
  • Clear our heads: to take a break or relax
  • Stretch our legs: to move around and get some exercise
  • Growing by leaps and bounds: progressing quickly and significantly
  • Turn a corner: to improve
  • Over the moon: extremely happy
  • Make a difference: to have a positive impact
  • Give back: to contribute to the community
  • Proud moment: a moment of achievement to be proud of.

Follow ups

  1. What was the main challenge you faced while helping the child?

The main challenge I faced while helping the child was getting the child to open up and trust me. At first, the child was stand-offish and clammed up when I tried to help, but I didn’t let that discourage me.

  1. How did you approach the task of helping the child?

I approached the task of helping the child by taking the bull by the horns and finding creative ways to explain the material in a way that the child could understand. I also made sure to take brain breaks and clear our heads to ensure that the child could stay focused.

  1. How did you see the child’s progress?

I saw the child’s progress by the improvement in the child’s grades and also the child’s confidence grew by leaps and bounds. The child’s understanding of the material was also improving.

  1. How did you feel after helping the child?

I felt over the moon after helping the child. It was a proud moment for me to see the child’s hard work pay off and know that I had made a difference in the child’s life.

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