Modern Hindu Baby Boys Names Starting with D

Modern Hindu Boys Name

Modern Hindu Girls Names

Contemporary Hindu baby boy names beginning with “D” are a fusion of tradition and modernity. Websites like offer an array of choices, from names like Devansh, Dhruv, Divij, to Daksh, each with its own cultural significance. These names reflect the rich heritage of Hindu culture while embracing the evolving preferences of today’s parents.

List of Modern Hindu Baby Boys Names Starting with D

NameMeaningNumerology Value
DanielGod is My Judge1
DaityahonLord Vishnu8
DaivanshA Part of the Divine4
DaivikDivine, Spiritual7
DaiwikDivine, Spiritual5
DakshSkillful, Competent7
DakshanLord Brahma, The Creator6
DakshuSon of Lord Brahma2
DanavendraLord of the Demons4
DarpanMirror, Reflection2
DarshSight, Vision1
DarshatVisionary, Perceiver4
DarshilPerfectionist, Visionary6
DarshitOne Who Is Seen, Observer5
DayaluCompassionate, Merciful1
DayanidhiTreasure of Compassion8
DearieA Term of Endearment2
DeepLamp, Light4
DeepakLamp, Light5
DeepuA Term of Endearment3
DevGod, Divine4
DevadidevLord of Lords, Supreme God7
DevajBorn of the Gods6
DevakinandanSon of Devaki, Lord Krishna7
DevangPart of God, Divine5
DevanshPart of God, Divine5
DeveshLord of the Gods, Lord Shiva9
DevratDevotee of God4
DevyanSon of God, Divine7
DhairyaPatience, Courage6
DhanuThe Bow, Zodiac Sign Sagittarius5
DhanujBow, Archer1
DhanushBow, Rainbow3
DharmadhyakshaLord of Dharma, Righteous Leader7
DhawalWhite, Pure3
DheerCourageous, Patient2
DheerajPatience, Fortitude7
DhirenPatient, Calm6
DhritPatient, Steadfast3
DhritilPatient, Steadfast8
DhruvUnshakeable, Pole Star1
DhruvanThe Polar Star, Unshakable9
DigambarClothed in Space, Lord Shiva7
DikshantInitiated, Consecrated3
DilipProtector, Ancestor King7
DipeshLord of Light5
DipinLuminous, Radiant7
DivijBorn of the Divine9
DivyDivine, Heavenly2
DivyanshPart of the Divine1
DiyaanLamp, Light4
DiyutBright, Shining6
DoluDrum, Musical Instrument6
DrubishVictorious, Conqueror5
DurgaGoddess Durga, Invincible7
DwarkapatiLord Krishna, Ruler of Dwarka9
DwijTwice-Born, Brahmin7

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