Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with W

Indian Boys Name

Indian Girls Names

If you’re in search of Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with W along with their meanings, you’ve arrived at the ideal destination. Hindu male names starting with ‘W’ carry a rich cultural legacy and express profound meanings. Ranging from classical to modern, these names encompass diverse virtues, attributes, and symbols that reflect the core of Indian culture and spirituality.

List of Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with W

WaahidSingle; Exclusively; Unequalled; Unique; One of its kind; Peerless1
WaaliGovernor; Protector1
WaarithA heir; A master; A Lord; Supreme inheritor8
WaaseyCapacious; Wide; Ample; One; Broad-minded; Liberal; Learn; All embracing2
WaddahBright; Brilliant5
WaddoodFriend; Companion; Beloved; Loving3
WadeeCalm; Peaceful2
WadidFavorable; Devoted; Fond5
WadoodFriend; Companion; Beloved; Loving8
WafaiFaithful; Loyal22
WafaqatFriendship; Closeness6
WafiFaithful; Loyal3
WahabKind hearted8
WahajVery sparkling; Very bright7
WahbTo give; To donate; Giving7
WahdatUnity; Oneness3
WaheedSingle; Exclusively; Unequalled; Unique; One of its kind; Peerless1
WaheguruWonderful enlightener5
WahhabTo give; To donate; Giving7
WahhajGlowing; Incandescent6
WahibLiberal donor7
WahidSingle; Exclusively; Unequalled; Unique; One of its kind; Peerless9
WahidpreetUnique Love1
WahiduddinUnique manifestation7
WahiduzzamanA unique person of the age3
WaizAdmonisher; Preacher5
WajdaanThought; Imagination; Ecstasy; Mirth; Devotion9
WajdanThought; Imagination; Ecstasy; Mirth; Devotion8
WajeedFinder; Lover; Loving3
WajeehNoble; Honored; Well-esteem7
WajeezahOne who speaks briefly but eloquently7
WajidFinder; Lover; Loving2
WajihNoble; Honored; Well-esteem6
WakdarMan of authority22
WakeeAgent; Representative9
WakeelAgent; Representative; Lawyer3
WaleedNew-born child5
WaliGovernor; Protector9
Wali UddinA supporter of the faith7
WalidNew-born child22
WaliullahFriend of Allah9
Waliy Al DinA supporter of the faith11
Waliy AllahSupporter of God5
WaliyudeenThe supporter of the faith11
WaliyullahSupporter of God7
WalladAbu al-Abbas al-Tamimi had this name, A grammarian of Basrah and Egypt8
WamanThe short; Fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu7
WamaqLover; Paramour1
WaqaarSelf-respect; Majesty; Veneration7
WaqfGiven in a trust2
WaqidCompanion of the prophet (Pbuh)9
WaqifAcquainted; Aware11
WaqqadSharp-minded; Wise9
WaqqasOld Arabic name6
WardBlossoms; Flowers1
WaridMessenger; Partner; Cloud1
WarinderLord of the ocean11
WarisHeir; Inheritor; Successor7
WarithA heir; A master; A Lord; Supreme inheritor7
WarqaTo do with paper; Leaf6
WasafFull of qualities; Expansionist; Vast; Spacious; Man of qualities5
WasamMedal; Prize; Honor3
WasanIdol; Song of praise4
WasayUnlimited; All encompassing; Boundless6
WaseefFull of qualities; Expansionist; Vast; Spacious; Man of qualities5
WaseemGraceful; Good looking3
WaseeqSolid; Strong; Secure; Confident; Sure; Certain7
WaseyCapacious; Wide; Ample; One; Broad-minded; Liberal; Learn; All embracing1
WasfiEulogise; Praise highly22
WasiCapacious; Wide; Ample; One; Broad-minded; Liberal; Learn; All embracing7
WasifFull of qualities; Expansionist; Vast; Spacious; Man of qualities22
WasilConsiderate; Inseparable friend1
WasimGraceful; Good looking2
WasimbirHandsome and brave4
WasimjitGraceful victory5
WasimuddinHandsome person9
WasiqSolid; Strong; Secure; Confident; Sure; Certain6
WathabOne who increases in greatness1
WatheqFirm; Reliable; Confident11
WedantThe scriptures, Vedic method of self realization, Knower of the Vedas, Theology, Absolute truth, Hindu philosophy or ultimate wisdom, King of all22
WicharReflection on God)8
WilanFriendship; Affection5
WilayatCustody; Guardianship1
WildanBoy in heaven9
WinstonVictory Town6
WisahTrust; Faith6
WisekhExcellent; Abundant3
WohaybSomething bestowed11

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