Popular Sikh Baby Girl Names Starting with J

Sikh Boys Name

Sikh Girls Names

Selecting the perfect name for a child has always held significant importance for parents. This popular collection Sikh Baby Girl Names Starting with J is here to aid you in finding the ideal name for your new arrival. This compilation of Sikh names for girls includes a variety of charming, contemporary, unique, and delightful choices. We are confident that you will find the ideal name among these recommendations.

List of Sikh Baby Girl Names Starting with J

JagdeepLamp of the world3
JagmeetFriend of the world5
JahanThe world2
JahanpreetLove for the world1
JakkhleenOne absorbed in worship7
JapjotLight of meditation1
JapleenAbsorbed in meditation6
JapnaRemembering God1
JapnailGeneral in the military9
JasinderGlory of God8
JasjeetGlorious victory7
JasjinderGlory of God9
JaskiranRay of God's light4
JaskiratSinging God's praises8
JasleenAbsorbed in God's glory7
JasmeenA type of flower2
JasmeetFamed; Celebrated; Famous1
JasmeharMelody of God2
JasminderLords glory3
JasmitFamed; Celebrated; Famous9
JasnoorThe light of God11
JaspalProtector of God7
JaspatiPraiseworthy master22
JaspinderLords glory6
JaspreetLove for God's praise5
JassiOne who sits4
JasveenGet victory; Hero of fame; Famous personality22
JasvirHero of God8
JaswantPraise of God7
JatinderTriumph of God6
JavneetAbsorbed in God's light5
JeevanpreetLove for life1
JhalakGlimpse; Spark; Sudden motion7
JodhpreetLovable brave11
JotleenAbsorbed in light of God9
JusjeetGlorious victory9
JusmeetGlorious friend3
JuspreetLove for glory6

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