Modern Canadian Boy Names Starting with O

Canadian Boys Name

Canadian Girls Names

List of Modern Canadian Boy Names Starting with O

EamonGuardian, protector (Irish)4
EamonnGuardian, protector (Irish)8
EarlNobleman, chief (English)6
EasonGod is salvation (English)5
EastenEastern town (English)5
EastinEastern town (English)4
EastonEastern town (English)3
EastynEastern town (English)6
EathanStrong, firm (Hebrew)7
EathynA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
EatonTown by the river (English)3
EbenStone (Hebrew)7
EbenezerStone of help (Hebrew)3
EdanLittle fire (Irish)2
EddieWealthy protector (English)3
EddisenA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.9
EddisonA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EddyWealthy protector (English)6
EdelberA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
EdelsonA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.1
EdemBorn on a Tuesday (Akan)2
EdenDelight (Hebrew)9
Ed-EythanCombination of Ed and Eythan8
EdiA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
EdinA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EdiomoPeaceful man (Ibibio)7
EdisonSon of Edward (English)5
EdleyA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.6
EdmondWealthy protector (English)1
EdmundProsperous protector (English)3
EdomRed (Hebrew)9
EdosaWealth (Edo)8
EdrielA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
EdsonSon of Edward (English)7
EduardoWealthy guardian (Spanish)4
EdvierA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.2
EdwardWealthy guardian (English)8
Edward-GabriyelCombination of Edward and Gabriel6
EdwinProsperous friend (English)1
EdwynBlessed friend (English)9
EdzielA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.6
EemaanFaith (Arabic)2
EeroEternal ruler (Finnish)5
EesaVariant of Isa, a prophet's name (Arabic)8
EesahVariant of Isa, a prophet's name (Arabic)9
EfandavisA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
EfosaPeace (Edo)9
EfrenA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EgonStrong with a sword (German)6
EgorFarmer, earthworker (Russian)4
EhaanA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EhdrianA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EironA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.6
EisenhowerBoar, strong like a boar (German)8
EithanStrong, firm (Hebrew)6
EiyasA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EjoonA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.1
EkamUnity (Sanskrit)8
EkamjotDivine light of oneness (Sanskrit)5
EkampreetLove for oneness (Sanskrit)9
EknoorOne light (Sanskrit)3
ElamA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
ElanTree (Hebrew)6
EldadGod has loved (Hebrew)1
ElderElder (English)6
EldonOf noble birth (English)2
EldrichA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EliAscension, my God (Hebrew)6
EliabMy father is God (Hebrew)9
EliamA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
ElianA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.8
EliasThe Lord is my God (Hebrew)4
ElieMy God is Yahweh (Hebrew)3
ElielGod is my God (Hebrew)9
ElijaMy God is Yahweh (Hebrew)5
ElijahYahweh is my God (Hebrew)9
ElijahdholA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
ElijhVariant of Elijah (English)1
ElijiahVariant of Elijah (English)7
EliotThe Lord is my God (English)8
ElishaGod is salvation (Hebrew)3
Eliud-EphremCombination of Eliud and Ephrem4
EliyaThe Lord is my God (Hebrew)5
ElizearA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.9
ElizierA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
ElkinA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
El-LeviCombination of El and Levi4
ElliasA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.6
ElliiotA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EllijahVariant of Elijah (English)6
ElliotThe Lord is my God (English)6
ÉlliotVariant of Elliot (French)5
ElliottVariant of Elliot (English)7
EllisBenevolent (Hebrew)2
ElmerNoble and renowned (English)8
ElmiA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
ElnatanGod has given (Hebrew)1
ElnathanGod has given (Hebrew)7
Elnathan-JairusCombination of Elnathan and Jairus6
ElroiGod of my vision (Hebrew)4
ElroyThe king (English)1
ElvinFriend of elves (English)8
ElvisWise, all-knowing (Scandinavian)7
ElwoodFrom the elder's forest (English)7
ElyasThe Lord is my God (Arabic)7
ElyshaGod is my salvation (English)9
EmaadIntention, purpose (Arabic)6
EmaanFaith (Arabic)7
EmadPraiseworthy (Arabic)5
EmanueleGod is with us (Italian)7
EmerensA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.9
EmericRuler of the household (German)2
EmerickA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EmersenA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EmersonSon of Emery (English)6
EmersynA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.2
EmeryRuler of work (German)6
EmerykA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EmettA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.8
EmiA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.1
EmilIndustrious, striving (German)4
EmileImitating, rivaling (French)5
EmilianoIndustrious, striving (Italian)6
EmilioImitating, rivaling (Spanish)4
EmitA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
EmittA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.9
EmmanualGod is with us (Hebrew)9
EmmausA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.6
EmmersonSon of Emery (English)5
EmmetUniversal, truth (English)2
EmmettUniversal, truth (English)4
EmmetteA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EmmeyttA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.9
EmmitUniversal, truth (English)6
EmmittUniversal, truth (English)8
EmmyttA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
EmnetA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EmranProgress (Arabic)5
EmreA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.1
EmrehA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.8
EmrickA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
EmrikA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
EmryA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EmrysA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
EnderRare (Turkish)6
EnesFriendly, sociable (Turkish)5
EniadeA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EnisFriendly, sociable (Turkish)9
EnkiSumerian god of water, knowledge (Sumerian)6
EnochDedicated, disciplined (Hebrew)2
EnockDedicated, disciplined (Hebrew)6
EnricoRuler of the household (Italian)7
EnriqueRuler of the household (Spanish)5
EnsioA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.8
EnthaniA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EnverLight (Turkish)7
EnzoHome ruler (Italian)1
EoinGod is gracious (Irish)8
EphraimFruitful (Hebrew)6
EphramFruitful (Hebrew)8
Erel-AzrielA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.2
ErenSaint, holy (Turkish)5
EriänA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EricEver-ruler (Norse)2
ÉricEver-ruler (French)9
ErickEver-ruler (Spanish)3
ErikEver-ruler (Scandinavian)6
ErinIreland (Irish)5
ErishA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.8
ErkoA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
ermihaGod has Seen3
ErnestEarnest, serious (German)5
ErnestoEarnest, serious (Italian)1
ErnieDiminutive of Ernest (English)6
EronA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
ErrolNobleman (Scottish)8
ErueraA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.1
ErvinFriend of the sea (English)4
ErwinFriend of the sea (English)8
ErykA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EsaGod is salvation (Arabic)4
EseyA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.6
EshaanDesiring and wishing (Sanskrit)3
EshanA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EskoA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.2
EsmondProtected by grace (English)9
EspenA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
EsromA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.6
EssaGod is salvation (Arabic)1
EssamOne who is unique (Arabic)6
EsseyA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EssienA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EstebanCrowned with laurels (Spanish)8
EstefanoCrowned with laurels (Italian)1
EstevanCrowned with laurels (Spanish)6
EstivenCrowned with laurels (Spanish)5
EthanStrong, firm (Hebrew)7
EthaníelCombination of Ethan and Nathaniel8
EthynA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
ÉtienneCrowned (French)6
EtinosaGod's decision (Edo)7
EuanBorn of the yew tree (Scottish)9
EugeneWell-born, noble (Greek)2
EurikA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
EvanYoung warrior (Welsh)2
EvanderGood man (Greek)4
EvannderA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.8
EvansSon of Evan (Welsh)7
EverestDweller by the rocky ridge (English)1
EverettBrave and strong (English)6
EverinA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EverittA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.9
EverlyBoar meadow (English)7
EversenA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.6
EvinA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
EvittA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EvrenA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.8
EvrettA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.4
EvynYoung warrior (Welsh)9
EvynsA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EvzanA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.8
EwaenGod's gift (Edo)1
EwanBorn of the yew tree (Scottish)6
EwenA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
EyadSupport, strength (Arabic)4
EyakequehumA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EyasuJesus (Amharic)9
EydenA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.6
EymenTrustworthy, honest (Turkish)6
EyobA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
EyoelA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.9
EyosiasA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EyosiyasA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
EysethA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.8
EyuelA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.3
EzechielGod strengthens (Hebrew)8
EzekialGod strengthens (Hebrew)7
EzekielGod strengthens (Hebrew)9
EzioA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5
EzraHelp, salvation (Hebrew)2
EzrahHelp, salvation (Hebrew)3
Ezrah-MicaiahA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.7
EzrenA modern and creative name with no widely recognized meaning.5