Top 200+ Girl Baby Names in Tamil – Latest 2024

Choosing girl baby names in Tamil is a significant decision, especially in cultures like Tamil Nadu, where names hold deep cultural and traditional meanings. In this article, we’ll explore the rich tapestry of girl baby names in Tamil, delving into their cultural significance, popular choices, and the factors to consider when making this important decision.

Girl Baby Names in Tamil : An Overview

Tamil culture places immense importance on names, often reflecting the family’s values and traditions. Naming ceremonies are elaborate affairs, and names are chosen with care, considering factors like astrological alignments and family heritage. The list of girl baby names in Tamil is extensive, each carrying a unique meaning and cultural resonance.

Popular Girl Baby Names in Tamil

Let’s take a closer look at some popular Tamil girl names and their meanings:

Name in TamilName in EnglishMeaning
ஆப்AabWater; Shine
ஆத்விகாAadvikaUnique; Matchless; Goddess Durga
ஆத்யாAadyaOne who is always First / Best
அபிAbiGoddess of Saraswati
அதிராAdhiraLightning; Jasmine; Success
அத்யாAdyaUnparalleled; 1st Preference; Good
அம்முAmmuHappiness; The Pure; Innocent
அனந்யாAnanyaInfinity; Inalienability
அனிகாAnikaGrace; Favour; God is Gracious
அனுAnuAtom; Silence; Favour; Grace
அன்யாAnyaInexhaustible; Gracious; Graceful
அதிராAthiraA Full Moon Night; A Star
சார்விCharviA Beautiful Woman; Lovely
தக்ஷாDaksaTalented; Perfect
தக்ஷாDakshaThe Earth; The Skilled One
தன்யாDanyaGod is My Judge; Feminine Variant
தீக்ஷாDeekshaInitiation; To Teach Learner
தன்விDhanviMoney – Wealth
தன்விகாDhanvikaGoddess Annapurna / Lakshmi
தாராDharaThe Earth; Constant Flow
தியாDhiyaLamp; Give a Light; Light
திக்ஷாDikshaGift by the God; Holy Teaching
திஷாDishaDirection; Princess of the Family
தியாDiyaLamp; Light; Dazzling Personality
குஹாஸ்ரிGuhasriLord Murugan
ஹாஸினிHaasiniAlways Smiling
ஹானிகாHanikaSwan; Graceful like Swan
ஹான்விகாHanvikaGoddess Lakshmi / Sarasvati; Gold
ஹாரிகாHarikaLord Vishnu; Beloved by Indra
ஹரிணிHariniBeautiful like Deer
ஹர்ஷாHarsaHappiness; Pleasure; Full of Joy
ஹர்ஷாHarshaJoy; Delight; Happiness; Golden
ஹாசினிHasiniHappy; Joyful; An Atom; Pretty;
ஹயாந்திகாHayanthikaGod name; Lord Sivan
ஹேஷிகாHeshikaGoddess Lakshmi
ஹேவாந்திகாHevanthikaGorgeous Flower
ஜைசிகாJaisikaPower Full Victory
ஜனுJanuSweet Heart; Loved One
ஜன்விJanviPrecious; Unstoppable as River
ஜன்விகாJanvikaRiver Ganga; Daughter of Rishi
ஜாஷிகாJashikaLoveable; Cute; Life is Beautiful
ஜாஷ்விகாJashvikaResponsible; Beautiful
ஜாசிகாJasikaWarrior; Rich; God’s Grace
ஜோஸ்னாJosnaMoon Light; Brave; Lotus
காருண்யாKaarunyaCompassionate; Goddess Lakshmi
கைராKairaSweet; Peaceful; Pure; Unique
கனிKaniSound; Beautiful Girl
கனிகாKanikaSmall; Atom; Black; Molecule
கனிஷாKanishaOne with Beautiful Eyes; Diamond
கனிஷ்காKanishkaGold; Daughter of King Kanishq
கன்யாKanyaWoman with Youth; Daughter;
கர்ணிகாKarnikaGold; Heart of the Lotus; Earrings
காஸ்விகாKaswikaLucky Angel
கவிKaviPoem; Poet; A Wise Person
கவிநாயாKavinayaPoet; Good Girl
கவிநிலாKavinilaBeautiful like the Poetic Moon
கவிஸ்ரிKavisriGoddess Lakshmi
காவ்யாKavyaPoem; Poetry in Motion; A Poetic
கயல்KayalName of a Fish; Lovely Eyes; With …
கேராKayraPrincess; Unique; Blessing of God
கிரண்யாKiranyaRays of Light
கிரண்யாஸ்ரிKiranyasriGoddess Lakshmi; Money; Lucky
கிரிஷிகாKirishikaHave Love and Kindness
கிர்தான்யாKirtanyaA Form of Worship
கிருதிக்ஷாKirthikshaGoddess Parvathi Granted
கிருத்விKirthviCreation of God
கீர்திKirtiFame; Glory; Reputation
கிருத்விகாKiruthvikaWinner of All Heart
கோஷிகாஸ்ரீKoshikasreeLoveable Child
கைராKyraPrincess; Like the Sun; Noble
லக்ஷாLakshaAim; White Rose
லக்ஸிகாLaksikaAim; Target; Defender of Mankind
லாஷிகாLashikaGoddess Laxmi
லாடிகாLatikaTendril; Climber Delicate Tree
லயாLayaMusical Rhythm; Feelings of Love
லிதான்யாLithanyaGoddess Lakshmi
லியாLiyaBeautiful; Intelligent; Ambitious
மதுMadhuHoney; Sweet; Beauty Girl; Sharp
மஹிMahiEarth; The World; Great Earth
மாந்சிMansiPlucked Flower; Voice of Heart
மாயாMayaIllusion; To Increase; A Princess
மேஹாMehaIntelligent; Rain; Sharp; Cloud
மித்ராMithraFriendly; Friend; God of Sun; Cute
மித்ராMitraFriend; God of Daylight
மோஹிஷாMohishaIntellect; Sweet
மோஹிதாMohitaAttracted; Impressing
மோஹிதாMohithaAngel of God; Infatuated
மோக்ஷாMokshaFreedom; Salvation; Final Destiny
மோக்ஷிகாMokshikaTo Find Good Soul
மோக்ஷிதாMokshitaSalvation; Final Destiny of God
மோக்ஷிதாMokshithaFree; Attaining Moksham; Goddess
மோனாMonaSolitary; Adviser; Nun; Wish
மோனாஸ்ரிMonasriBeautiful Mind; Silent
மோனிMoniIntelligent; Beautiful; Nicely
மோனிகாMonikaA Wise Counsellor; Solitary
மோனிஷாMonishaWisdom; Knowledge; Talent; Sweet
மோனிஸ்ரிMonisriOne with Beautiful Mind
மோசிகாMosikaGod Gift in Earth
மோதிகாMothikaLike a Pearl
மௌலிகாMoulikaLove; Chief
மௌலிகாMowlikaChief; Queen
நைனிகாNainikaPupil of the Eye
நாவ்யாNavyaNovel; New; Worth Praising; Young
நேஹாNehaBeautiful Eyes; Love
நிஹானாNihanaBright; Morning; Beauty Queen
நிகிதாNikithaThe Earth; Goddess Lakshmi
பார்ணிகாParnikaSmall Leaf; Goddess Parvati
பாவிPaviLightning; Write; Holy; Pure
பாவிகாPavikaGoddess Saraswati
பாவிக்ஷாPavikshaDivine; Goddess of Beauty
பாவிஷ்காPavishkaDivine Beauty
பூஜாPoojaWorship; Flower; Pray Flower
பூஜாPoojaPrayer; Worship; Devoted to God
போஷிகாPoshikaThe One Who’s brought up in flower
ப்ராக்யாPragyaWisdom; Intelligence; Calm
ப்ரானிகாPranikaOne who gives Life
பிரியாPriyaKind; Beloved One; Loved One
புவிக்ஷாPuvikshaMother of Earth
புவிஷாPuvishaExtraordinary Person
ராRaaPrincess; Beautiful; River
ரேயாReyaQueen; Angel; Graceful; Singer
ரியாRiaSinger; Love; To Flow; Earth
ரிதிகாRitikaMovement; Pretty; Cute; Of Brass
ரியாRiyaGraceful; Singer; One who Sings
ருத்விகாRudvikaLord Shiva; Holy Life; Prosperity
சான்விSaanviRainbow; Goddess Lakshmi / Parvati
சாராSaaraGood; Best Star; Nobel Princess
சஹானாSahanaPatience; Strength; River
சாய்SaiFriend; Flower; Natural
சைராSairaA Bird; Princess
சைஷாSaishaDevotional; Truth of Life; Jewel
சக்ஷிSaksiWitness; Evidence
சனாSanaPrayer; Resplendence; Brilliance
சான்விSanviBeauty; Goddess Laxmi; Fact
சாராSaraPrincess; Queen; Pure; Lady
சாராSaraaAll in One; Pure; Happy; Precious
சாராSarahPrincess; Lady
சஷ்டிSashtiGoddess Durga; Lord Murugan
சஷ்டிகாSashtikaLord Murugan
சஸ்திகாSastikaLord Murugan
சாயாSayaClose of Day; Shadow; Shelter
ஷான்விShanviSun; Glowing; Attractive
ஷஷ்டிகாShashtikaLord Murugan
ஷஸ்விShasviSuccess; Goddess Saraswati
சியாSiyaGoddess Sita; Light / Blessings
சோனாSonaGold; Beautiful; Pretty; Precious
ஶ்ரீSriRadiance; Diffusing Light
ஶ்ரீஜாSrijaOne who Creates
ஸ்ரீநிகாSrinikaGoddess Lakshmi; Lotus
ஸ்ரீஷாSrishaFlower; Divine Light; Goddess
ஸ்ரீயாSriyaGoddess Laxmi; Prosperity
சுஜிSujiLove; Big Diamond
தான்விTaanviProsperity; Delicate One; Love
தான்யாTaanyaFairy Princess; Worthy of Praise
தாநயாTanayaDaughter; Fathers Princess
தானியாTaniaFairy Princess / Queen; A Fairy
தனிஸ்காTaniskaGoddess of Gold or Angel
தன்ஸிTansiBeautiful Princess
தன்விTanviGod as Beauty; Delicate
தன்விகாTanvikaBeautiful Person; Goddess Durga
தன்யாTanyaOf the Family; Fairy Princess
தாராTaraStar; Hill; Tower; Crag
தாரிகாTarikaStarlet; Belonging to the Stars
தேஜாTejaRadiant; Lighting of Moon; Love
தேஜுTejuGlow; Bright; Full of Light
தான்விThaanviCold Moon
தானன்யாThananyaGoddess Lakshmi; Wealth
தானியாThaniaDivine Fame
தனிஸ்காThaniskaGoddess of Angel / Gold
தன்ஸிThansiThe Princess
தன்ஸிகாThansikaPrincess; The Little Angel
தனுThanuBeautiful; Brightness
தான்விThanviGreat; Grace; Beauty
தான்விகாThanvikaGoddess Durga
தன்யாThanyaBeautiful Eyes; Sensitive
தன்யாThanyaaGoddess Lakshmi
தாராTharaWealth; Star; Wife of Baali
தாரிகாTharikaStarlet; Beauty; Love; Affection
தார்னிகாTharnikaGoddess Lakshmi
தருந்யாTharunyaYouthfulness; Brightness
தஸ்விகாThaswikaGoddess Parvati , Lakshmi
திக்ஷிதாThikshithaBeauty in World
திஷிகாThishikaGift of God; Powerful; Brightness
திவிஷாThivishaFire; Goddess Durga; Star
தியாThiyaGift of God
தியானாThiyanaHappiness; Joy; Concentration
தியான்ஷிகாThiyanshikaBeauty of the World
தியாஷ்னிThiyashniShining Light
டியாTiyaA Bird; Parrot; Beautiful
வார்ணிகாVarnikaPure Gold; Beautifully Coloured
வர்சாVarsaRain; Monsoon
வர்ஷாVarshaRain; Shower
வேண்பாVenbaRelated to Thirukural
வேண்யாVenyaGod Gifted; Lovable
விகனாVihanaEarly Morning; Ray of Sun; Goddess
விஷாலினிVishaliniGod Murugan; Goddess Saraswati
யாத்விYadviQueen; Goddess Durga
யாக்ஷாYakshaRepresentative of God
யாராYaraLittle Butterfly
யாஷிகாYashikaSuccess; Famous; Glory
யாஷிதாYashitaSuccessful; Winner; Beautiful
யுகாYugaEra; Years; Generation
Girl Baby Names in Tamil

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Name

Naming your baby is a thoughtful process. Consider cultural context, pronunciation, and spelling, as well as family and personal values. The name you choose will accompany your child throughout their life, so it’s essential to select one that resonates with you and holds personal significance.

Trends in Tamil Baby Names

Modern parents often blend traditional and modern elements when naming their children. Celebrity influence plays a role, with many opting for names inspired by popular figures. This combination of old and new reflects the evolving cultural landscape.

Meaningful Naming Practices

Some parents follow astrological considerations, combining the parents’ names, and even using numerology to find the perfect name. These practices add depth and meaning to the chosen name, creating a unique identity for the child.

Naming Ceremony in Tamil Culture

The naming ceremony, known as “Namakaranam,” is a significant event in Tamil culture. Rich in rituals and customs, this ceremony bestows a sense of identity on the newborn. It is a joyful occasion celebrated with family and friends.

Impact of Name on Personality

Research suggests that a person’s name can influence their psychological well-being and self-identity. A carefully chosen name can instill confidence and positivity, shaping the individual’s character as they grow.

Tips for Naming Your Baby Girl

If you’re in the process of choosing a name for your baby girl, here are some tips to consider:

  1. Research and Exploration
    • Explore a variety of names and their meanings to find the one that resonates with you.
  2. Getting Feedback from Family and Friends
    • Seek opinions from close ones to ensure the name is well-received.
  3. Checking Cultural Associations
    • Consider cultural connotations to ensure the name aligns with your heritage.

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Conclusion Choosing a name for your baby girl is a momentous decision that goes beyond trends. A name is a lifelong gift, influencing the individual’s identity and shaping their destiny. The cultural richness and profound meanings associated with Tamil girl names add a layer of significance to this beautiful tradition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How do I choose a unique name for my baby?
    • Look for names that hold personal significance or have unique cultural meanings.
  2. What is the significance of naming ceremonies?
    • Naming ceremonies bestow identity and blessings on the newborn, marking their entry into the world.
  3. Can I combine names from different cultures?
    • Yes, many parents blend names from different cultures to reflect their diverse heritage.
  4. Should I consider numerology when naming my baby?
    • Numerology can be considered if it aligns with your beliefs, adding an extra layer of meaning.
  5. How can I ensure the name is easy to pronounce?
    • Choose a name with a pronunciation that feels comfortable for you and your family.