18 March 2023 IELTS Exam Review and Answers

18 March 2023 IELTS Exam Review and Answers

Answers of 18 March 2023 IELTS Exam

Writing Task 1

Bar Chart – Related to Patient Survey in Different Wards.

Writing task 2

Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of arts by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

18 March 2023 IELTS exam – Writing task 2


18 March 2023 IELTS exam

Passage 1 – Hunting Perfume in Madagascar

Passage 2 – Music Psychology

Passage 3 – Process of Invention

Reading Answers –

Passage 1-



3 Not given

4 true

5 true

6 not given

Fill Ups

  • soap
  • chemicals
  • petals
  • distillation
  • smoke
  • smell

Passage 2

24. Language

25. Isolation

26. Mathematics

List of Headings

  • V
  • VI
  • III
  • II
  • IV

Passage 3


  • B
  • C
  • B
  • B
  • D

Yes/ No / Not Given

  • No
  • Not given
  • Not given
  • Yes
  • Outline
  • Limitations
  • Combination
  • Network
  • Mental
  • Persia

37. D

38. B

39. G

40. A


18 March 2023 IELTS exam

Answers –

Part 1

  • 1. Cash
  • 2. Museum
  • 3. Caravan
  • 4. Snow boarding
  • 5. 4 years
  • 6. White mountain
  • 7. Cakes
  • 8. Car
  • 9. Map
  • Insects
  • 11 -A
  • 12-B
  • 13-C
  • 14-B
  • 15-B
  • 16-F
  • 17-A
  • 18-B
  • 19-E
  • 20-C
  • 21-B
  • 22-A
  • 23-C
  • 24-C
  • 25-C
  • 26-D
  • 27-G
  • 28-B
  • 29-E
  • 30-A

Part 3An Overview of The Research on Amber

18 March 2023 IELTS exam – Listening

31. insects,

32 volcanic dust

33 heat

34 intermediate

35 seashores

36 sunlight

37 1000

38 silver

39 honey

40 building

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