Language to add more points to the same topic in IELTS writing

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Gain 7+ in your IELTS writing by using this language

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How to add more points in the same topic: IELTS writiing 

What is more

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What is more, I think the most important benefit of visiting a new place is that you could develop your understanding of the world.


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Furthermore, children expect to be taken on holiday when they are off school during the summer.


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Moreover, the shortage of state budget may cause the lack of investment in upgrading schools' equipment and infrastructure.

In addition:

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In addition, TED helps to keep people informed with the latest technology…

as well:

Image  - stock tourism has disadvantages as well

Not only...but also...:

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The nicotine in cigarettes not only causes cancer but also leads to several other serious diseases

Common Mistakes students make in IELTS writing task 2


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