8 Common Mistakes in IELTS Writing



Mistake no.1

Not enough Paragraphs This is a very common mistake by IELTS candidates. You must be familiar with one of the band descriptor that is Coherence and cohesion. It indicates why paragraphing is important.


Mistake no.2

Incorrect format You should avoid using bullet points, headings, sub-headings ad numbers while writing your essay. A good structured essay should include following pattern · Introduction · Body Paragraphs · Conclusion


Mistake no.3

Addressing question partially You must be take time to read the question carefully and take decision how many parts are there in the question. You must be familiar with different types of question asked in IELTS exam. If you fail to answer all sections of question asked, your essay will be incomplete.


Mistake no.4

Unclear Position while writing essay You must decide on your opinion and make it present clearly..If you change your opinion during your essay, you will lose marks for that.


Mistake no.5

Spelling and Grammar errors You must be careful about the spell check. For practice you must turn off the ‘spell-check’ on your smart device and then turn it on again to check your essay for misspell words.


Mistake no.6

Using Memorised language The examiners are very smart. They keep looking for memorised words, phrases and language. It is easy to identify, so use your own words while attempting IELTS writing.


Mistake no.7

Do not use Surveys and research to support opinion. Mostly students give examples of unknown surveys and research to support their opinion. These false surveys and researches seriously lead to lose band score in your IELTS exam. Always use real examples


Mistake no.8

Do not use Contraction IELTS do not allow you to use contractions in your writing. If you use words like ‘don’t, can’t, didn’t, etc, you will be given a penalty for doing so. Use complete words like do not, cannot, did not, etcetera instead.
