Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with Z

Indian Boys Name

Indian Girls Names

If you’re in search of Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with Z along with their meanings, you’ve arrived at the ideal destination. Hindu male names starting with ‘Z’ carry a rich cultural legacy and express profound meanings. Ranging from classical to modern, these names encompass diverse virtues, attributes, and symbols that reflect the core of Indian culture and spirituality.

List of Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with Z

ZaabitClever man; One who remembers5
ZaadVictory; Success5
ZaafirVictorious; Of firm and resolute intention7
ZaahidAbstemious; Ascetic; Saintly; Diligent; Hardworking4
ZaahirBright; Shining; Sparkling; Luminous; Visible; Distinct9
ZaakirRememberer of Allah; Intelligent3
ZaanjarA girl ornament of leg, Paayal8
ZaaribOne who beats; Sticker3
ZabartorhDestroyer of tyranny1
ZabbaLatch; Door lock5
ZabirConsoler; Comforter; The person who have religious11
ZabrijBeauty; Decoration3
ZackariyaName of a prophet5
ZaeemLeader; Chief5
ZafarRivulet; River; Stream; Little creek; Victorious7
ZafeerVictorious; Of firm and resolute intention7
ZafirVictorious; Of firm and resolute intention6
ZafofCool Person9
ZafranGold stigma of a flower; Derived from Zarparan3
ZafrulHonest; Reliable and very ambitious3
ZaheerBright; Shining; Sparkling; Luminous; Visible; Distinct9
ZaheeruddawlahHelper of the religion (Islam)11
ZaheeruddinHelper of the religion (Islam)7
ZahhaakA person who laughs most11
ZahiBright; Shining; Dignified8
ZahidAbstemious; Ascetic; Saintly3
ZahinSagacious; Intelligent; Ingenious; Good pedigree4
ZahirBright; Shining; Sparkling; Luminous; Visible; Distinct8
ZahirulHelper of the religion of Islam5
ZaibjeetVictory of beauty6
ZaidGrowth; Super abundance22
ZaidanGrowth and increase1
ZaidenFiery; Sower of seeds5
ZaifullahGod’s guest6
ZaighamLion; King of the Jungle11
ZaighumLion; Powerful4
ZailProvince; Region; Officer of a province3
ZaimLeader; Chief22
ZaimuddinThe leader of the religion (Islam)11
ZainuddinThe grace of the religion (Islam)3
Zainul AbidinOrnament of the worshippers5
ZaiyaanBright and graceful; Wild Jasmine; Honey5
ZakarHandsome; Kind hearted3
ZakariyaA prophet’s name11
ZakariyyaThe name of a prophet9
ZakawanAbu Salih as Saman az-Ziyat5
ZakawatWisdom; Sharpness; Prudence2
ZakhirBe mine1
ZakirRememberer of Allah; Intelligent11
ZakiuddinPure person of the religion9
ZakoorNarrator; Speaker5
ZalandBright; Feminine Zalanda22
ZaloolObedient; Submissive9
ZamaamHonor; Right; Share; Place1
ZamaarBravery; Valor6
ZamanTime; Destiny1
Zaman ShahKing of the sage1
ZameerThe character of a person; Heart; Mind; Conscience

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